Nicro S.p.a. supports breast prevention

Even for this year, our Company wants to renew its constant commitment for investments with immediate social, environmental and educational impact on our area.
For year 2022, we focalised our attention on the purchase of a very important device for prevention and screening sector: an ultrasound scanner assigned to the Breast Centre – ASST Bergamo Ovest located in Caravaggio, in Largo Donatori di Sangue.
This idea, promoted by Angelo Soliveri, President and CEO of Soliveri Srl, Nicro Spa and Tav Vacuum Furnaces Spa, had the privilege to count on the fundamental and precious donation of different Companies of the network: Vacuum Spa, Tavengineering Spa, Thermocast Spa, sharing with the Social Cooperative Il Susino.
This was possible thanks to the collaboration of Caravaggio’s Mayor Mr. Claudio Bolandrini, and with the support of Doctor Lodovico Gilardoni, ex Responsible of Radiology in the Hospital of Treviglio – Caravaggio.
Here below you find his words :
“In a Brest Diagnostic Centre for the specialist (radiologist/breast specialist) it is essential to have at disposal: a mammogram and an ultrasound scanner.
Everyone knows the importance of mammography following a correct (and by now thirty years) prevention campaign through screening, but also the importance of the echography
As in past, the initiative is supported through the activities of Rotary Club Treviglio and Pianura Bergamasca, who managed all the aspects of the operation.
This is an important purchase under many points of view and we hope to help to increase the sensitivity to prevention and health